Sunday, March 27, 2016

99 the Escape Game walkthrough

99 the Escape Game walkthrough

This is an evil, terrible game. You have a countdown clock starting at 99. When it gets to 0, you lose. This is the only time you can reset the game and start over, which makes writing a walkthrough a very, very slow process.

Even though it's only 4 rooms, you'll definitely want to draw a map. There are multiple sets of clues in the second room and it's hard to keep them all straight. Several solutions are direction-oriented as well. The rooms look very similar, so it can be disorienting.

If anyone understands the logic or has found the clue to the solutions I don't understand, please post it. I hate doing stuff and not understanding why.

Room 1
Turning through the room: A plant and a door, a screen, the exit door and a drawer, a pair of dots on the wall.
Open the drawer by the exit door to find a box with 3 buttons, and a book with the clue 1 > > < < 5
Click the center of the front part of the drawer, just above the knob. That unlocks the knob, which I'll call a pin, and you can remove it. You'll eventually get 3 pins in the game, and their colors can be changed by using them in the dots on the wall.  The doors can only be opened by a pin of its matching color.

You can also put the red pin in by the screen, and you'll get a + displayed. Clicking above, below, left, or right of the + will cause dots to be displayed, but you really can't do much with that right now.
The next door is blue, so put your pin in the blue wall dot, then open the door to room 2.

Nearly everything in room 2 is a clue for something. For right now just take a vase.

Go back to room 1 and insert your blue pin by the screen. You will see a - ,  which allegedly implies a shelf.
"North" is to the right as you enter room 2, the wall with the red door lock. Count the number of shelves on each wall.
Starting north and going clockwise,
7 4 5 6

Get a blue triangle. Take your pin back.

Face the room 2 door and open it, but do not go through. Use your triangle on the door to block it open. Go back to room 1 and change your pin to red, then go to room 2. Open the next door to continue to Room 3.

Room 3 -- opening the drawer in the wall.
I do not understand the solution here; I found it on a Chinese page . It has to do with the blue, pink, gray and yellow panel in room 2, but if there was any clue to achieve this sequence, I don't know what it was.
Face the yellow button on the wall
step forward and it turns blue
step back, turns pink
turn R, there's a pink dot on this wall.
turn R, gray
L, pink
R, pink
R, pink
R, then step forward. The button now looks like a target, and the drawer will open.
Get a screwdriver.

Go back to room 2 and remove the screw in the panel with the pin. Take the pin. Insert your red pin in its place. Look around and count the number of shelves intersected by white vertical lines on each wall. Also, while here, count the number of white vertical lines on each wall.

Go back to room 1. Insert your red pin in screen: +,  # of shelves intersected by lines.
As before, "North" is the exit to room 2, with the red door lock.
Starting north and going clockwise:
5 2 4 3

Get a red ball. Take your pin back.

Room 3 -- what to do with the ball
The purpose of the ball is to give you a color sequence for the box in Room 1.
Each wall in room 2 has two groups of books, creating a count from 1 to 8.
These correspond to the holes in the wall in room 3. Starting point is the wall with the drawer.
If the ball is dropped through the holes it will change colors to red, yellow, or brown.
Following the book count sequence,
you will end up with
Use this sequence on the box and get a wrench. Use the wrench in room 2 and uncover another set of color dots.

If it isn't there already, take your blue triangle back and use it to block open the door between 2 and 3 (red lock). Use your red pin on the green dot to make it green. Proceed to room 3 and open the green door to room 4.

Room 4
Stick your blue pin in the fountain straight ahead and fill your jar. Take back the pin when you're done.

Go back to room 1.
Green pin in screen: |,  # of white vertical lines on each wall
Starting north and going clockwise: 2 2 3 3
Get a green cube.

Time to tackle the little house in Room 2.
Go to the plant in room 1.
Use your water to turn it all green.
The branches indicate directions. The arrow at the bottom indicates to start at the bottom and go up.


Go to room 2 and put your cube in the little house, then click the sequence. You'll get one last pin. Take your cube back.

Take the new pin to room 1 and color it red, so you have pins of all 3 colors now. Head toward room 4, taking your triangle blocking the door as you go.
Go to the door diagram in room 4. Place your pins, starting from north and going clockwise,
It opens a door back to room 1.
Go to the panel with the spaces for your 3 objects, place them, and take the key.
Finally, on the wall click the following buttons:
>>, >,  ●, ■ , << .
(Props again to for this answer.) The TV will go on and display 99. Your timer has also reset to 99.
While your timer is still on 99 you can use the key and exit the door. (If you go wandering off and your timer falls below 99, you can press the sequence again and reset back to 99.

(Postscript: it occurs to me that the numbers on the three shapes (B=2, R=3, G=4) are actually telling you where to place them around the door. Which implies the number order of everything does not start at north, but rather west. I'm not going to go back and check it out, but it's possible this makes things more sensible? We leave it as an exercise for the reader ;) )

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